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FAQs About Our Child Care Programs

Just Children Answers FAQ

Just Children Child Care Centers provide a high level of stimulating and educational programs for children in the Philadelphia region and Mt. Laurel. Our family-owned, fully-licensed childcare centers focus on the safety and well-being of your children. Our experienced team of teachers customizes daily activities based on the needs of each child. We’re here to answer your most frequently asked questions about our exemplary childcare programs in NJ and PA.

What ages of children do you accept?

We accept children from ages eight weeks to 6 years. Our programs during the school year include infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and pre-kindergartners. We also offer before and after-school programs and summer camps.

Where are your locations? 

We serve families throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We offer our childcare programs in Feasterville-Trevose, PA, Bensalem, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Medford, NJ, and Mount Laurel, NJ.

What are your hours of operation?

We are open Monday through Friday from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm.

What are the ages for each program?

Do you provide part-time care?

Yes! We offer full or part-time flexible days.

Do you provide meals and snacks?

Yes!  We provide snacks for enrolled children in our programs. 

Do you follow COVID-19 local and state guidelines?

Yes! We ensure all COVID-19 local and state guidelines are followed.

What if I need someone else to pick up my child?

We require the names of anyone with permission to pick up your child. Please give us advanced notice, and we will check their identification at pickup.

What types of activities do you offer for infants and toddlers?

We offer age-appropriate activities to stimulate infants’ and toddlers’ minds. We’ll promote fine and motor skills. We use developmentally appropriate activites.  We love to keep little hands busy using creative outlets.

What will my child be learning in your preschool?

Preschool is an exciting time to open the mind to further education. We’ll introduce Art, Reading, Science, Math, Writing, Cooking, and Arithmetic.  Just Children uses the Creative Curriculum for instruction.

Do you close for inclement weather?

When inclement weather inhibits us from opening our doors, we’ll contact you through Brightwheel.  We don’t always follow the same closing policies as local schools, so it’s important to check with us about closings.

What should I expect from your infant program?

Your infant will enjoy a day filled with physical motor skill development, playtime learning colors and senses, and nap times. When you return, your baby will be rested and ready with a smile.

How can you ensure safety at your facility?

Safety is our first priority. We childproof all of our rooms, ensuring books and toys are always safe to use. Our surfaces are completely safe, and the area is protected for tiny fingers. Everyone caring for your child is also CPR-certified. We never disrupt our babies’ daily routines, staying true to their feeding and napping schedule.

Do you communicate with guardians throughout the day?

We understand it’s hard being away from your children during the day. We communicate with you as much as possible. We’ll adjust our care to accommodate the needs of your family. We want you to have as much peace of mind as possible when your children are in our hands.

Do you have Summer Camp?

We understand summertime is challenging for many parents’ schedules, so our Summer Camp is an excellent choice.  We provide exciting themed lessons, outdoor water play, and educational field trips.

What should I expect from your toddler program?

Our toddler program provides fun blended with customized learning. Toddlers absorb everything as they learn. Our certified teachers help them navigate their surroundings safely. We’ll help them grow and learn each day with our developmentally appropriate curriculum.

H3: Do you offer before and after school programs?

Yes! Our before and after school care programs are educational and fun for school-age children.

What do I need to bring to sign up for child care?

Our registration process requires a completed registration packet, your child’s Immunization Records, and Authorization for Emergency Medical Care. We ask that you complete and review our Parent Forms before enrollment.

What is the Keystone STARS program?

We’ve partnered with Keystone STARS, the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s quality rating system measuring Standards, Training/Professional Development, Assistance, Resources, and Supports. By combining it with our STEAM program, children are challenged daily to reach new educational heights.

Do you participate in special events?

We organize exciting and fun events throughout the year, including field trips, sporting activities, class picnics, nature studies, and more. We’re always thinking of new and fun ways to learn outside of the classroom.

Can my child bring their favorite blanket or toy to school?

We welcome your children’s favorite blankets to help them feel comfortable at school. We encourage toys to stay at home to prevent children from damaging or losing them.

Do you encourage technology in the classroom?

While we do not believe children should learn from screens all day, we do encourage learning about technology through computers and iPads in every classroom.

Is there a special place for my child’s belongings?

Yes! All children can place their belongings in their personalized cubby.

Do you have small or large classes?

We believe the correct student-to-teacher ratio is important to your child’s education. We provide a low ratio for personalized learning, allowing educators to spend extra one-on-one time with each child.

What is the attendance policy when my child is ill?

We require children do not attend school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.

Can I visit before my child’s start date?

We strongly encourage you to tour our facility with your child. You can see educators and students in their everyday environments. We want your child to feel comfortable and excited to come to school.